The real Clinton versus Bush Iraq debacle
St. Matthew wrote: "A prophet is not without honor, save in his own
Rodney Dangerfield would have put it differently. He might have said,
"They love me over there, but here at home I get no respect."
Scott Ritter is a prophet of sorts, and if we had listened to him and
respected his intellect, knowledge and honesty, we could have avoided
the war in Iraq and its cost in lives and dollars.
In September 2002, Time magazine asked Ritter whose Iraq policy was
worse, Bill Clinton's or George W. Bush's. Ritter's response:
"Bush, because of its ramifications. It threatens a war that probably
lacks any basis in law or substantive fact. It has a real chance of
putting thousands of American lives at risk and seeks to dictate
American will on the world."
Who is this Scott Ritter guy?
He's a former U.S. Marine Corps major and former United Nations
weapons inspector in Iraq. He's the answer to the question of whether
the Bushies knew before the war that Iraq had no weapons of mass
destruction (WMD).
They knew, or could have known, and certainly should have known.
Before we attacked the Iraqi people, Ritter was often seen on
television as a laughable "expert." The Fox News talking heads treated
him as a lunatic. How could he be anything else when he disagreed with
George W. Bush?
And Ritter has a temper, so that added to the fun. It was a treat to
see him get all red faced and wonder when he'd explode.
It mattered not that Ritter was painfully honest and knew exactly what
he was talking about.
A search through newspaper and magazine articles leading up to the war
against Iraq leads me to these conclusions:
1) Bill Clinton was as concerned about Saddam Hussein as George W.
Bush is, but less eager to risk American lives to deal with him.
Unfortunately for all of us, the sexy impeachment fiasco pushed by the
Republicans diverted our attention, so most of us weren't paying
However, Ritter was far from happy with Clinton's support for the
inspectors, or lack of it. In September 1998, he told Newsweek, "I
heard somebody say it very effectively: '[Secretary of State]
Madeleine Albright blocked more inspections in 1997 than Saddam
Hussein did.' It's a funny quip, but unfortunately true."
2) The four days of intensive bombings ordered by Clinton at the end
of 1998 probably taught Saddam that his efforts to acquire weapons of
mass destruction weren't worth the cost. The economic sanctions
imposed by the United Nations at the end of the first Gulf War were
seriously crippling Iraq, and trying to acquire those weapons simply
added to Saddam's misery. He gave up but pretended not to. Saving face
is a big deal for dictators, as it is for all politicians (see:
"Johnson, Lyndon B."; or "Nixon, Richard M."; or "Bush, George W.")
Those bombings and rocket attacks, by the way, just about matched the
munitions thrown at Iraq during the Gulf War. Americans didn't pay
much attention, however, and the Republicans accused Clinton of
"wagging the dog," diverting attention from his political problems.
3) The "intelligence community" never said Saddam had weapons of mass
destruction. In all the articles I read, the CIA and other agencies
were very careful not to overstate the danger presented by Saddam.
For example, The Washington Post reported in November 2000, "The CIA
does not agree that Iraq possesses a crude nuclear weapon. 'We don't
believe they have the fissile material required for a nuclear weapon,'
said one senior U.S. official. ... 'Nor do we believe they currently
have the infrastructure to build a nuclear weapon.'"
4) In a related matter, Clinton was far more concerned about terrorist
attacks against the United States than he was about the threat of
Saddam. But he had a hard time selling his concern to others, even
though he tried. He originated an antiterrorist agency in government
in 1994 and increased its budget every year thereafter, from an
original $5.7 billion reported in 1995 to $11.1 billion in 2000.
I was unable to find any antiterrorist actions by Bush before the
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but that doesn't mean he didn't do
anything. It could be his efforts just didn't make the public prints,
or that I couldn't find the articles about them.
5) Scott Ritter took part in more than 30 inspections missions in
Iraq, and probably knew more about Iraq's WMD programs than anyone.
The Iraqis were very annoyed with him and accused him and other
inspectors of being spies. They were right; the inspectors were
pressed into spying. That was a distraction for them.
6) As a U.N. inspector, Ritter was constantly unhappy with the Iraqis
because they failed to destroy all their weapons. After the inspectors
were pulled out of Iraq in 1998, Ritter appeared to change his tune,
saying Iraq's weapons programs were no threat.
The difference, Ritter explained to the scoffers on TV, was that as an
inspector, he expected total compliance and didn't get it. Later, as
an outsider, he was able to say that even without total compliance
Iraq, was no threat.
"I've never given Iraq a clean bill of health," Ritter told Time in
September 2002. "I've said that no one has backed up any allegations
that Iraq has constituted weapons-of-mass-destruction capability with
anything that resembles substantive fact."
The politicians (including Al Gore, who warned of "imminent danger" in
1998) were hyping the Iraq threat, as were my fellow jackals of the
press -- especially columnists! -- but the various intelligence
agencies were far more prudent. To repeat, they often cautioned
against overrating the threat posed by Saddam.
We keep losing troops in Iraq, well over 500 now. God only knows how
many arms and legs were lost over there, how many pairs of eyes
destroyed. The total cost to each American taxpayer before it's over
has been estimated at around $3,000, and when you consider the
disability payments we'll be making for the next 50 years or so,
that's probably a low-ball guess.
That's quite a price for going after weapons that we had been told do
not, and did not, exist. It's too high a price for getting rid of
But the real mystery of Iraq is why we're still there. There are no
WMDs; Saddam is in custody. Why, now, are we still sacrificing troops
and dollars on a guerilla war that will never be won?
What is today's price for funding a president's effort to save face?