Grady White Quality
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Grady White Quality
(L. Sikorski) wrote in message . com...
After looking at several new Grady-White boats, I noticed they do not
have welded bow rails. Instead, they have allen screws. I thought
all top-quality boats only used welded bow rails?
I also saw plastic thru-hulls on several new Pursuit boats.
I have an 89 Grady and I have to say I like it, but it ain't perfect.
For starters it has (had) plastic thru-hulls. I replaced that first
one after busting it while trying to free the stuck sea-cock after
fixing the burned up live-well/washdown pump - Luckily it was spring
and the boat was on the trailer. The horn failed. I had to replace my
poorly mounted bow eye. The Hardtop has a 10" long crack. The factory
bow pulpit has a crack and the hull gelcoat is spider cracking in that
area. The fish box lids which are glassed wood, are getting spongy.
The fuel tanks have some surface corrosion and probably will need
replacing soon.
My bow rail has setscrew stanchions, but unlike my Dad's 89 Bayliner,
none of them have cracked. But also unlike my dad's 89 Bayliner, my 89
Grady has plenty of exposed wood in the bilge that's going to need
replacing someday.
All of these issues w/ Grady's are well documented here and other
places and none of them are serious problems not found on other boats.
Fixing them is all part of the normal maintenance routine on a 15 year
old boat, although I would have expected the Grady to have less
problems then the Bayliner.
Oh well, at least I have better resale value.
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