My first tillerpilot was a Navico 1600. I still have it in its original box
and the manual may be on board my sailboat.
I have used it for several years and spent countless dollars on repair.
I have learned how to repair that thing with both of my eyes closed during
the worse storm.
The last time it came out of repair they forgot to place the protective
shield to prevent electro magnetic interference. So every time I used my
VHF the tillerpilot went wild.
The main problem with this tillerpilot is that it is not waterproof and has
no breathing hole.
My present tillerpilot is still a Navico but with a breathing hole and
proper EMI shielding.
I still have the manual for the 1600 and next time I go on my boat I will
look up in my manuals. My recommendation is do yourself a favor DO NOT USE
THAT THING for serious navigation. As to repair it, open the case and let
the inside component dry up. Then try it. Changes are that it will work
until it gets humid inside and stop again. If some of the components need
replacing unless you can have them at low cost do not spent money on it.
wrote in message
Hi. I have a Navico TillerPilot 1600, but I don't have the manual. Does
anyone know where can I find it?
Thanks in advance