On 31 Aug 2005 12:24:48 -0700, "palmtreedreamer"
The A4 was built to be a trackot engine, not a boat engine. ..... so I
have been told.....
That's a myth. While it is a simple engine, being a low-compression
four-cylinder, four stroke, it is fully marinized and is made with a
corrosion resistant block alloy.
I have one in the boat and a rebuilt spare in the garage, oiled and
waiting. I have nothing against diesel, but for the weekend
cruiser/daysailer, gas is better than diesel from the point of view of
the nature of the engines themselves. If I run my A4 for the 15
minutes it takes to get out of my basin and into clear air beyond the
fairway buoys, I'll get the coolant temperature to maybe 140-150 F
(the maximum with my thermostat is 180F if I have proper flow). The
engine "doesn't care" if it's run for short periods, then turned off.
A diesel, by contrast, is "happiest" with LONG runs (very efficient).
You want the block to fully heat up: short runs on diesel at less than
cruise RPM can be tough and wearing on the engine. Gas engines don't
"care" to the same degree.
So while I would consider taking a free diesel, and would
insist/prefer a "big iron" Perkins 4-107/8 for a cruising/bluewater
boat, the Atomic 4 is ideal for me currently. A buddy just put 125
hours on his in three weeks of cruising the Thousand Islands due to
fluky or contrary winds. He swapped out a failed 30 year coil (he
carried a spare) and did an oil change.
Moyer Marine is the Mecca for Atomic 4s.