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On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 01:41:23 -0400, rhys wrote:

So while I would consider taking a free diesel, and would
insist/prefer a "big iron" Perkins 4-107/8 for a cruising/bluewater
boat, the Atomic 4 is ideal for me currently. A buddy just put 125
hours on his in three weeks of cruising the Thousand Islands due to
fluky or contrary winds. He swapped out a failed 30 year coil (he
carried a spare) and did an oil change.

I've put a lot on mine this summer, from Kingston up to the North
Channel, and have had to do some minor maintenance. The simplicity of
the engine is a huge advantage. A bigger plus -- many of the parts
have automotive equivalents. I replaced the entire ignition system out
of an auto parts store for about CDN$120. Then I swapped some pieces
back in to determine where the problems were.

On the other side of the equation, it eats through something
approaching a gallon an hour, which would get into serious money for a
trip down the ICW.
