Thread: OT Bush hatred
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Default OT Bush... repeat post

"DSK" wrote in message
NOYB wrote:
It's funny that you specify morals, ethics, and principle as

traits. I agree...and it's the opposite of liberal traits.

That you say this only shows that you don't really know what morals &
ethics are. Perhaps you should look up the definition of 'ethos' to get

Anyway, some liberals have principles too. And some people, such as
yourself and our current President & Vice President, give lip service to
the idea of principles but really act out whatever is most expedient &

Principles that are abandoned at the first (or even the second) hint of
trouble aren't really principles, are they?

As for adopting an unwanted child, I only know what you yourself have
told me (and the rest of the group)... that you might have considered it
but did not actually do it.

I have three sons under the age of 5. Why would I adopt at this point in my
life? Perhaps we *will* adopt a girl once the boys have grown a little bit
older, however.