Thread: OT Bush hatred
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Default OT Bush... taxes

"John Gaquin" wrote...
I disagree here, Doc. I prefer to see a national consumption tax of about
10%, coupled with total repeal of any income tax.

That doesn't seem like it's going to bring in anywhere near the same
revenue. Unless you are also going to chop off at least half of the
current gov't expenditures, this is just a pie-in-the-sky dream.

One problem I have with having the Feds put on a consumption tax or an
ad-valorum tax or whatever is that it is a serious brake on the economy.
The web of VAT is choking the European economies, we should observe and
learn and do better.

NOYB wrote:
.... I was promoting a flat tax that
phases out at a certain income level.

Ahem... that is a progressive tax, you darn socialist.

Nobby, can you post *anything* you believe in that doesn't reek of