Thread: OT Bush hatred
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Doug Kanter
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Default OT Bush hatred

"NOYB" wrote in message

"Doug Kanter" wrote in message
"NOYB" wrote in message
Doug Kanter's "improved" list:

increased taxes for the rich
affirmative action for minorities
full marriage rights for gays
abortion on demand
filibuster judges who might overrule Roe v. Wade
*the environment*

That's a helluva platform to run on!

Gay people have absolutely no effect on you, no matter who they marry.

Frankly, I'm not sure about affirmative action. But, people who know

things point out that there's a cycle for poor people that's hard to

Go also seem to be an expert, however, so I'm interested in your

this subject that nobody else can seem to figure out.

It's not about "being an expert". It's about applying commonsense. The
color of your skin shouldn't give you extra points in the admission

when you're applying to a College...especially if that college is

In the real world, it's been established that the 3 most important factors
in getting good grades a

1) Competent teachers.
2) Being around peers who value education
3) The big winner: Parents who are educated and pass along their
expectations to their kids. Doesn't matter if the parents are together or
divorced, as long as they are a strong presence in the lives of their

There's no reason to assume that some schools have bad teachers all across
the board, but it's a safe bet that if all your students are getting lousy
grades no matter how hard you try, and you're a good teacher, you're going
to go elsewhere. Nobody likes to work hard and get no results.

Inner city kids are at a disadvantage in parts 2 & 3. The only way to stop
the cycle is to "seed" the group with people who can function as role
models. How do you do that without giving some kids a little juice? Yeah,
affirmative action has problems, but what's YOUR solution to the truths I've
given you here? Bus those awful colored kids to your school? :-)