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On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:37:06 -0400, "P. Fritz"

"P. Fritz" wrote in message

"PocoLoco" wrote in message
On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 18:39:34 GMT, "Doug Kanter"


"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Bush's flunky director of Homeland Security said a half hour ago that

situation in the Superdome was under control.

The mayor of New Orleans said just the opposite a couple of minutes

issuing what he called a "desperate SOS" for immediate help there and

surrounding areas RIGHT NOW.

Who do you believe?

I pick "mayor", and I think it's time for a few deer hunters to be

in, in return for free dinner for their families (at some point in the
distant future).

What is under control is the evacuation of the Superdome. Harry assumes

he's the
only one who watches CSPAN and can therefore fabricate what appeals to


The mayor of NO, and the govenor of La seem to be totally
incompetent.......they are the true problem.

In the meantime, we have the loony left saying things like this

"So why was I thinking of starting a movement against giving aid to the
stricken areas?
Because these are red states. They voted for Bush. These ninnies obviously
wanted these policies, and they deserve to live with the consequences of
their votes.
A large part of me still believes that many of these W-worshipping
numbskulls deserve to suffer and to die. They brought it on themselves.

them look to Jayzuss for aid: It's time they stopped leeching off the more
productive blue staters.
(Californians stupidly give much more to the federal government than we
receive from it; the money flows in a very different direction in the red
So, at least, I started to write. But then (to paraphrase the old song) I
thought I'd better think it out again.
Many of the victims, the ones who have suffered the most, are poor. The
hardest hit were the blue state folk living among the red state maniacs.

Orleans, we should note, went heavily for Kerry.
And that's why we must help. Although it was very tempting to say

But let us make one thing clear: We WILL politicize this issue."

More from the loony left
"This President is never gonna do the right thing. I think somewhere deep
down inside him he takes a lot of joy about losing people, if he thinks they
vote Democrat or if he thinks they're poor, or if he thinks they're in a
blue state, whatever his reasons are not to rescue those people..." -- Air
America's Randi Rhodes

What would one expect? Look around
John H

"All decisions are the result of binary thinking."