... Wasn't she the
one that ran a radio a skit that ended with MoveOn.org types busting in
a shooting the president with assault rifles or something? I didn't
hear that bit - just heard something about it.
If true, that would be criminal. Treasonous, IMHO.
OTOH I thought the right-wing calls for the assassination of Clinton
were equally treasonous.
PocoLoco wrote:
My two best friends are lefties. We argue, we joke, we both put Bush down (for
various things), and we both put Kerry down (for various things). We don't call
each other names, and we don't take our disagreements to the level of obscene,
irrational hatred exhibited by some on this group.
You mean, like calling somebody "sick" because he doesn't share your
enthusiasm for bigotry & fascism? Because he doesn't find anything funny
about your imaginary tales about black looters stealing liquor?
I have a number of friends who are Bush supporters. We don't discuss
politics, because they invariably get PO'd at any suggestion that
President Bush isn't perfect & wonderful. OTOH I'm not enthusiastic when
other people begin cutting him down
The political poison has spread, and the infection is doing great harm
to America.