Around 9/1/2005 7:07 AM, OlBlueEyes wrote:
Harry Krause wrote in
Why do you think the oil market is a rational market?
The "oil market" is not a "market" at all. Insane extremists have
prevented the construction of a single refinery over the past 20 years;
By "insane extremists," I assume you mean the oil industry execs?
Not only are they preventing new refineries from being built, but, even
worse, that particular group of insane extremists are actively shutting
refineries down to cut costs and increase their already mind-boggling
~/Garth - 1966 Glastron V-142 Skiflite: "Blue-Boat"
"There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing
as simply messing about in boats."
-Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows