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PocoLoco wrote:
Look around, Doug, and see who the poison spreaders are.

Well, let's see... is the group who spent tens of millions of dollars
telling lies about a Presidential candidate's military record? Or is it
the party whose candidate served in the military, but avoided the war
and whose records were conveniently lost?

Is it the group who, more than four and a half years later, is *still*
blaming their problems on their predecessor? Is it the group who fought
tooth & nail to prevent many citizens from voting? Is it the group who
thinks it's perfectly OK to lock people up with no evidence, no trial,
and if that's not enough, torture them? Is it the group who insists that
everything is fine & dandy with sending our families off to a war
against terrorism, and then squashes true reporting of the world
terrorism situation because it's not flattering? Is it the group that
talks a lot about accountability & morality, but somehow blames
everything wrong on others, regularly launches vicious character
assassinations (and in some cases talks loudly about real assasination)
as a political ploy, and is currently under investigation for over half
a billion dollars worth of crooked contracting?

I could go on & on, but I think you get the point.