Harry Krause wrote:
Don White wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
I took the Ranger out for a quick run this morning up at Webster Lake
prior to next weeks charity bass tournament and I stopped at
Cumberland Farms to get some gas - I was down to half a tank and I
don't like to get much lower than that.
As I was filling up my boat, some soccer mom in her, I swear to you,
Excursion pulled in and started telling me that she thought I was
being totally selfish in filling up the Ranger in this time of
gasoline shortage as she started filling her vehicle.
I ignored her, but as I was paying at the counter, she was at the next
register to me with paying a $140 bill chatting with the counter girl
that she needed to get to her summer house on the Cape because all her
relatives were going to be there for the weekend.
I was especially amused as there was a left over Kerry/Edwards and
Sullivan sticker on the bumper of her Excursion.
True story.
I was amused to learn that President Idiot flew AF1 down to
Louisiana today, burning a kazillion gallons of jet fuel, and isn't
even planning to tour NO.
Update...CNN is reporting Bush changed his itinerary and will indeed
tour NO.
Shamed into it? You have to wonder what his advisors are thinking.
I just watched him "participate" in a television briefing in
Mississippi. Talk about a guy looking bored.
Probably interrupted his siesta.