Grady White Quality
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Grady White Quality
(CaptMP) wrote in message ...
FishFan wrote: ".... All of these issues w/ Grady's are well documented here
and other places and none of them are serious problems not found on other
boats. Fixing them is all part of the normal maintenance routine on a 15 year
old boat, although I would have expected the Grady to have less problems then
the Bayliner.
Oh well, at least I have better resale value."
While you may in fact be able to ask more for your '89 Grady than your Dads '89
Bayliner, you must remember that you probably paid better than twice the money
for the Grady in the first place.
I'll bet you two have had fun though the years but I wonder if the Grady
supplied that much more enjoyment.
Best wishes
'99 2052
You're right. I don't think they're worth the extra $$ new. I was at
the Atlantic City Boat Show this weekend and you pay a 25% premium, at
least, for a Grady over a HydraSport, Pro-Line, or Aquasport, for
I bought mine used and only splurged for the Grady because a) I found
one in decent shape at a bargain price; and b) My wife insisted on a
full transom, and after going out on a friend's Grady 24, and
listening to my friends wife rave about how "solid and safe they are",
my wife made it clear that she liked the Grady, the 24 not the 20-22
range I was looking at, and would be willing to pay a little more for
I said "If that's what you want dear, thats what I'll buy you" :-)
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