On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 08:34:23 -0400, Harry Krause wrote:
PocoLoco wrote:
On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:58:18 -0400, DSK wrote:
Martial law or not, he can't use Regular Army troops.
Really? Did somebody forget to tell that to Presidents Hoover,
Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, & Reagan? They all used Army troops to put
down civil disturbances.
PocoLoco wrote:
Did *they* use active army forces, or did the governors use their national guard
Are you one-a them ****in' ree-tards, boy? If you don't know basic
American history... especially history that has happened in major
headlines within your adult lifetime... what is your excuse?
In the case of Eisenhower- he both served in a regular Army unit
deployed inside the US to suppress disorder:
he also ordered the U.S. Army (the 82nd Airborne IIRC) to enforce
desegregation orders over the objection of the governor... and there was
potential for that governor (whose name you probably know and have
cheered) to order the National Guard units to fight the US Army.
So... yeah, the President can... if he's got the brains and/or the
balls. There are very good reasons for making it difficult for the
President to order regular military to conduct operations inside the
borders... but when the time comes, a decision needs to be MADE.
Face facts.
Wow, 1924, Washington DC. Wonder if DC even *had* it's own guard then?
I can imagine the uproar if the President had invaded New Orleans to establish
martial law. Could he have? Probably. Getting rid of the inept local governments
would undoubtedly speed up the process.
Getting rid of the inept Bush Adminstration would have made a bigger
I must say, Herring, your level of compassion for the poor people who
are suffering in NO is just...underwhelming.
Do Bush-bashing and the hurling of fabrications make you a compassionate person,
Think Christmas, Harry. Think geese.
John H
"All decisions are the result of binary thinking."