OT Bush hatred
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 22:42:38 +0000, NOYB wrote:
It's not as blatant a form of a socialist economy as the other 4, but it is
socialism to some degree. For instance, if $5000 of my money goes to
education via taxes, then I'm being forced by the government to pay for my
kids to go to public school. That's socialism. If I send 'em to private
school, I should be able to at least deduct the cost of the private school
from taxes...even if it's a deduction off of AGI instead of a true
By not allowing tax breaks, you create such a strong disincentive for people
to send their kids to private school, that they're effectively being forced
by the government to accept a government-controlled program...which is
Rather interesting definition of socialism. If I'm reading it right, any
government controlled program is socialism? As a country, we have decided
government is to provide certain services, a military, roads, education,
amongst others. It seems reasonable to me.
I would add, public education is government funded, but not
totally government controlled. Boards of education keep much of the
control local. All tax payers can have a say. You are proposing taking
your funds from that pool, and placing them in the private sector where
other tax payers will have no say. I say unfair.
I have no children, but gladly pay for public education, as education is
most important to the future of this country. If I have to pay for
educating our children, I think it's only fair that you have to pay as
well. Now, do you want to talk about my subsidizing your raising children
(tax deduction for children)? ;-)