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Doug Kanter
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"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 09:39:22 GMT, "Doug Kanter"

In my email today:
"Chart-topping ringtones. First one free. Mariah, Cassidy, 50,+ More."

Are there "charts" for ringtone rankings, as Billboard does with music?

Yes there is.

That's ridiculous.

If not, are there actually fools who think there is?

No because it actually exists.

Still ridiculous.

And, who the fuque needs Mariah on their phone every time it rings???

Apparently, there are a lot of people who do and who the hell are you
to say what they can and can't like?

Not very liberal of you Doug. :)

Don't call ME a liberal! I'll shoot your ancient ass!

I think it's time for a new federal law which would require the police to
completely ignore normal citizens who are found escorting ringtone
onto boats with cinder blocks chained to their ankles.

So you aren't an equal opportunity ringtone rights advocate? I knew
you were a knee jerk conservative under all the leftie moonbat

Pass the ammo.....

The cops would be required to simply verify that the offending cell phone
to the dummy who's about to become fishing structure, and then look the
way. "That's that....", as the guy said in the movie "Goodfellas", after
a bullet in Joe Pesci's head.

Tsk - tsk - advocating violence - what proof do you offer that any
particular cell phone user has Weapons of Mass Ringtones? I mean,
what are you going to do - invade Verizon?

Verizon is an agent of satan.

It's a friggin' phone, not a jukebox!

Ummmm - not anymore. Movies on demand, music on demand and Apple just
introduced a partnership with Cingular to put an iPOD into a Motorola
cell phone.

It's not your momma's cell phone anymore.

Wrong wrong wrong.

Now....who'll sign the petition to whatever president is elected next time

This is a function of local government, not FEMA.

The feds say you can transport your own legal firearms across state lines if
you meet certain conditions, so I'm sure they can establish a law as I've
specified. Now, go to your room. Everything you've said is wrong and evil.
No donuts for you.