thunder wrote:
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 10:20:02 -0400, Harry Krause wrote:
I haven't seen beaver or coyote or otter in my woods, but I have run
across bear tracks.
You mentioned that you have fox. An outdoorsman I know told me, you can
have fox or coyote, but not both. Apparently, coyote will kill foxes.
Bear are becoming quite common here and are a joy to see, but are a little
spooky to me. They have never shown any aggression to me, but neither do
they seem to fear me. I'm not used to that. I prefer wild animals,
especially large wild animals with big teeth, to fear me.
Had a problem in this area with bears snacking on people's
garbage...especially in the green recycle bins. This usually happens in
the spring when they wakeup hungry.