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I am looking to buy a new boat. I've pretty much settled on a Boston
Whaler (but am still looking).

Of the boats I have looked at, I currently have a choice to make
between the BW 18' Dauntless and the BW 19' Outrage. These size boats
seem to be the right size for my family. The boat is mainly going to be
used as a leisure boat for family (i.e. swimming/skiing, snorkeling,
scuba, light fishing, and plain sightseeing). We live in Florida and
will be visiting many rivers, bays, coastals, and offshore (east and

Any advice would be appreciated (i.e. Alternatives, Personal
Experience, Opinion, Buyer Beware, et al):

There's a 50-pound difference between the dry weights of the two boats,
and there are a few more options on the 19' Outrage.

Simply by viewing some photos at the website, it appears that the
Dauntless has a much sharper entry with exaggerated flare while the
Outrage has a rounder bilge in the forward section. If this is so, and
not merely an impression fostered by dissimilar photo angles, this
difference will be provide different "rides"- particularly in head

Can you take both boats out for a 15-minute run on a reasonably windy
If the difference the photos imply actually exists, you'll know soon
enough which of the two you would personally prefer.