Chief 59
I'm assuming that your email is correct - we have an antique
outboard mechanic in downtown Putnam of all places and
he is up on this stuff. I have to go down there this evening -
I'll stop by his shop and ask him - Chief 59. I'll email you.
"1banana" wrote in message
Thankyou, Bill, I appreciate the response, but I have actually tried
that. Most say it is too old and they don't keep parts around that long,
others have no idea what it is.
I've run through most of the usual channels without luck, that's why I
thought I'd try this. Never done this before......
Calif Bill wrote:
Just about any lawnmower shop.
"1banana" wrote in message
I have an old outboard from around 1949 or 1950 or s0, Never actually
been used in water, with the Label "Chief 59". Believe it is about 3 or
4 hp, and may have been a rebranded Sears or Montgomery Ward. It is
missing the high speed carburetor screw, otherwise it would run fine
(air cooled, idles fine, won't run at high speed). Anybody ever hear of
such an engine? Carburetor is labeled "Clinton". Any ideas on where I
can get a part?