About Type 3 PFDs (vests)
Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
And they are very tight on me which drives me nuts. Over the years,
I've developed a minor case of claustrophobia and constraining vests
just don't work for me.
Well, drowning would probably be very comfortable
For me, the inflatables have worked just great and I trust them.
I can sympathize with your dislike of the vests, although I wonder if
you've tried a really good one... one that costs in the same price range
as the inflatables. I've known a number of people who reject the type 3
because they don't like the $12 Wal-Mart ones, then they buy a $90
inflatable harness rig.
The vests we wear when racing cost around $75 five or six years ago, and
that company (Mustang Safety) makes about 8 different sizes. They may
even make custom fit ones, they did modify ours on request... I wanted a
pocket for a knife & a strap for putting whistles & strobes on when
That said, the vests have some down sides, they are uncomfortable in the
water and they're hot. They're a little more bulky than an undeflated
harness, and they don't have the bouyancy of an inflatable.
But the risk of malfunction of inflatables is serious, and vests don't
have that problem. You go in the water, you float. Period. I like that!
It's a matter of personal preference, really. May you never need either
Here's a serious caution- don't ever wear an inflatable under a jacket,
even a light rain or windbreaker. They will crush your chest if they go off.
Fair Skies-
Doug King