Which candidate....
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
NOYB wrote:
I dunno about al-Qaeda...but Kerry is reaching out to the Iranians for
support. I guess he figures that if Iran sends enough insurgents into
to bloody enough of our troops, then our country will elect him to deal
the problem. What a scumbag.
February 12, 2004 No.661
Iranian News Agency Alleges Presidential Candidate John Kerry
Email Message
According to an article published in the Tehran Times, the office
U.S. Senator and leading Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry
an email message to the Mehr News Agency . The following is the article
it appeared in English : [1]
"The office of Senator John Kerry, the frontrunner in the
presidential primary in the U.S., sent the Mehr News Agency an email
that Kerry will try to repair the damage done by the incumbent president
he wins the election. The text of the e-mail follows:
"'As Americans who have lived and worked extensively overseas, we
personally witnessed the high regard with which people around the world
historically viewed the United States. Sadly, we are also painfully
aware of
how the actions and the attitudes demonstrated by the U.S. government
the past three years have threatened the goodwill earned by presidents
both parties over many decades and put many of our international
relationships at risk.
It reads to me like a news release Kerry's office might have sent out to
every known news agency on the face of the planet.
I've done this myself, although not internationally, on behalf of
clients many times. I have the ability to email a news release
simultaneously to tens of thousands of news outlets via an email list
service to which I subscribe. I also obtain the fax numbers of these
news outlets, and, for many of them, their snail mail addrssses.
Sounds to me as if you are unsophisticated in these matters.
It's sounds like an olive branch to me...and the Iranians will read it as
appeasement. In other words, should Kerry become President, he will undo
what Bush has done, and remove the pressure on Iran. Why *wouldn't* the
Iranians view that as an open invitation to continue stirring up unrest in
Iraq? It's in their best interest to have Kerry as US President...rather
than Bush.
For reasons obvious to most intelligent people, every Presidential successor
makes it a point to let potential enemies know that they'll be no radical
change in US policy with the changing of an administration. Kerry is going
down a very dangerous path here...and encouraging rogue nations to create as
much chaos as needed to politically damage Bush.