Which candidate....
"DSK" wrote in message
NOYB wrote:
I dunno about al-Qaeda...but Kerry is reaching out to the Iranians for
support. I guess he figures that if Iran sends enough insurgents into
to bloody enough of our troops, then our country will elect him to deal
the problem.
Please quote the part of Kerry's message that encourages "Iranian
insurgents" to attack our troops.
Are you being intentionally obtuse? It's no secret that Bush has been
putting the heat on Iran. We have 125,000 troops on their Western
border...and air bases on their Eastern border. There's a distinct
possibility that those troops will be used against Iran should Bush be
reelected. The Iranians know that. Kerry's own email has stated his
administration would "strive to overcome tensions with others". In other
words, he'd go back to the way things were before...when Libya was
developing WMD's, Saddam was developing missiles to strike Israel, and Iran
was very actively pursuing a nuclear program.
... What a scumbag.
I agree. You must be pretty hard up to believe any lie and repeat all
slander from BushCo. Once the brain starts to atrophy, it's difficult to