Thread: Paddling Pants
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You could easily go with wearing a splash top with some splash pants and
some polypro underneath to keep warm if you're confident you won't flip over
and you're on flat water or slow moving water. You could do anything from
rain pants that bunch at the ankles to the pants made for paddling like
Perception's. The same goes with a top. I think you'd be more comfortable
with the paddling clothes though since they're made for this sport. I feel
that a dry top and all of the top end paddling gear would be over kill for
what you're doing. If you were out on the ocean or paddling any kind of
rapids I'd recommend it. If you want to keep your feet completely dry look
into getting the Gortex socks and wear some booties over them. If a little
water doesn't matter much then some booties with some wool socks would be
fine or socks from Thorlo or Smartwool for instance. These socks will wick
the water away from your feet and keep them warm. I would definitely bring
a drybag with some extra clothes in it just in case you were to flip though.


"ssss" wrote in message
Recreational paddling, quiet, slow-moving creeks.