Which candidate....
"DSK" wrote in message
. ..
Please quote the part of Kerry's message that encourages "Iranian
insurgents" to attack our troops.
NOYB wrote:
Are you being intentionally obtuse? It's no secret that Bush has been
putting the heat on Iran.
I am not "obtuse" at all, however I do not see public disagreement with
BushCo as "treason." Obviously, you do. I thought GW Bush was President,
not Fuhrer.
You can publically disagree with Bush all you want. However, when you're a
US Senator, and you start sending emails to the intelligence communities of
enemy nations...emails that have the intent of undermining the authority of
the incumbent President...then you're a traitor.
... Kerry's own email has stated his
administration would "strive to overcome tensions with others". In
words, he'd go back to the way things were before...when Libya was
developing WMD's, Saddam was developing missiles to strike Israel, and
was very actively pursuing a nuclear program.
First of all, Saddam's "missiles to strike Israel" are every bit as much
a fantasy as his WMD's.
Kay's report said that they had several missiles and missile programs that
were in violation of UN Res. 1441. In fact, Kay said they were much more
advanced in that area than we once thought.
Secondly, Iran is *still* pursuing a nuclear
weapons capability (or at least, as much of a one as they can afford)and
the Bush team is doing little or nothing to stop them...
You just right along and keep believing that they're doing nothing...
Iran is in our cross-hairs. Bet on it. We wouldn't have troops stationed
on their Western and Eastern borders if Bush didn't mean business.
kinda like
North Korea...
N. Korea was a situation where diplomacy (via China) has kept them at
bay...for now.
In other words, you are mindlessly spouting any and all BushCo
propaganda, no matter how slanderous, stupid, and blatantly untrue.
If the Bush worshippers keep hitting this "dissent equals treason"
button hard enough, they'll be out on their ear come November. Americans
don't like being pushed around. OTOH, maybe that's BushCo's plan... get
installed by the Supreme Court for a 2nd term, no matter what the
electorate decides, only maybe this time they will install him for
life... and change his title...