wrote in message
Bert Robbins wrote:
wrote in message
Ed wrote:
And the democratic local leadership left 100s of school busses to
in NOLA while republican local leadership in Galveston used their
to evacuate over 90% of their population....
Stupidity, ineptitude, and getting things FUBAR are (sadly enough) not
limited to any one political party.
But rabid critisizms of one inept party exlcusively is dishonest.
As I am sure you consider yourself an honest man,
I will look forward to your impending criticisms of the right wing. :-)
Bush should have vetoed some spending bills in his first year. It would have
There's one tough aspect about being politically "fair" when commenting
on some officials, such as the POTUS. There is only one party in office
at any given time. If you guys want to have the office, you need to be
willing to take the criticism that will be heaped on *any* occupant
thereof. Comes with the territory.
With experience your get wisdom. That wisdom is based upon your personal
experience and some of the things that Pres. Bush is adamant about issues I
now find myself in disagreement with.
So, I do disagree with some of my party's platform, however, I disagree with
most if not all of the other party's platform.