Bert Robbins wrote:
"bb" wrote in message
On 28 Sep 2005 08:48:27 -0700, wrote:
A presumed majority of liberals doesn't want an "approved" liberal
philosophy dispensed by a radio network. Based on ratings, many
conservatives crave it.
Another well thought out post by the Chuckster, thanks.
A core set of policies and values is what brings a political movement or
party together initially and gives it strength. The amalgamation that is the
Democrat party is falling apart be cause the core policies and values does
not exist.
The core constituency that was the Democrat party has been pushed to the
edges and the various single issue factions have moved into the middle of
the party. The end result is that the Democrat party will become a
collection of extremist fringe groups.
Air America is the vocal tool of the extremist fringe groups within the
Democrat party.
We almost agree on this. The core constituency of the old Democratic
party, (Zell Miller, et al) has been absorbed into the GOP. A lot of
the old-time Democrats would be more comfortable today in the GOP.
You are correct. Conforming to a common set of values builds a strong
organization. That's why liberals are taking a political beating in
most areas, we are often very poor conformists. :-)
Different people will place higher and lower values on participating in
a group vs. following dictates of individual conscience. Because the
only important verdict about who or what you are is that of the guy/gal
looking back from you in the mirror, whether one takes solace and
comfort in the "group" or hangs out on the "fringe" its perfectly right
and OK, either way.