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Default Which candidate....

"Doug Kanter" wrote in message
"NOYB" wrote in message

These are precisely the type of ones you use to undermine a leader:

Some policies NEED to be undermined.

'The current Administration's policies of unilateralism and rejection of
important international initiatives"

"actions and the attitudes demonstrated by the U.S. government over the

three years have threatened the goodwill earned by presidents of both
parties over many decades and put many of our international


"restore our country's credibility in the eyes of the world"

" repair alliances with countries on every continent that have been so
damaged in the past few years"

"overcome tensions with others"

These are all positive goals. Why do you have a problem with them?

Because I feel as though our "damaged" credibility, damaged alliances, and
heightened tension is with countries that we shouldn't be reaching out to in
the first place. For instance, our supposed allies...France, Russia and
China...were secretly skirting the Iraqi arms embargo, and were making
under-the-table oil deals with Saddam should sanctions be removed. We don't
owe them an apology.

Meanwhile, Syria was sponsoring terrorist acts against Israel, laundering
money for Saddam, sending weapons to Iraq, and likely concealing Saddam's
WMD program. They are very likely next on our list after Iraq.

Iran also sponsors terrorist acts against our ally, Israel. They have also
been pursuing nuclear weapons, and have been inciting unrest in Iraq to
damage US resolve. They should and will be dealt with once Bush is

As a senator, he has no right to screw with our country's foreign

If he wants to voice his concerns on the Senate floor, then that's his
right...and his responsibility. But to do it through an email to a

news agency is traitorous.

It's about time.

The only reason Kerry felt it was "time" is because it's an election year.
He's a blatant hypocrite who fully supported the removal of Saddam from
power...until it became politically convenient to oppose it.