Which candidate....
bb wrote:
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 23:07:45 GMT, "NOYB" wrote:
Now we've finally gotten to the bottom of this. He's charged as being
a traitor. Interesting the staunchest Bush supporters have put the
traitor label on all who didn't support the administrations policies
and methods. It certainly can't be any big surprise your crowd is
trying to pin the label on Kerry, now that he looks like the likely
democratic candidate. Anyone who dared run against Bush would have
quickly been labeled a traitor.
If the shoe fits...
But the shoe doesn't fit. Those who put forth other options for
handling issues are not traitors. Those that use the traitor tag for
political gain come much closer to fitting that description.
It's the latest iteration of the idiotic "my country right or wrong"
kind of thinking that kept us in Vietnam and ended up costing 55,000 US
lives and at least a million Vietnamese.
BTW, the latest CBS poll has Kerry five points ahead of Bush. "Bush's
economic recovery is almost as bad as his recession."
Show George W. Bush the Door...in 2004.