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Default Which candidate....

The Kerry email that you quoted was 1- sent to news agencies 2- did not
have any intent of "undermining the authority of the incumbent President."

NOYB wrote:
Sure it did.

Sorry, it is obvious that you're in full BushCo propaganda parrot mode.
However I stick around one more post to deflate your claims

These are precisely the type of ones you use to undermine a leader:

'The current Administration's policies of unilateralism and rejection of
important international initiatives"

That is stating a very obvious fact... pretty much in the exact words
used by either Bush or Cheney at one time or another. In other words,
Dick Cheney can announce that the US will act unilaterally and rejects
other nations initiatives, but Kerry cannot say they have done so....
very nice...

As a senator, he has no right to screw with our country's foreign policy.

But as a Presidential candidate, he has every right to announce what his
future policy goals will be... which is what he has done.

In other words, you're just mindlessly carping about Kerry because he's
not Bush... gee what agenda do you have in mind?

If he wants to voice his concerns on the Senate floor, then that's his
right...and his responsibility. But to do it through an email to a foreign
news agency is traitorous.

But wait, first you said he sent this email to 'foreign intelligence
agencies' and now it's just plain news? In other words, you are lying
out your butt to try and make Kerry look bad?

Good thing you didn't have any credibility to start with, NOBBY, because
you would have just shredded it