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Doug Kanter
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Default Which candidate....

"NOYB" wrote in message

In the past two weeks, I've heard analyses by people who know these

saying that Bin Laden is likely to be a non-issue at this point.

9/11 gave quite a bit of confidence to thugs who are in no way connected
with OBL. But, just to entertain idiots, let's assume this was false.

would YOU pursue OBL

I'd remove Afghanistan as a training base for terrorists. I'd remove

as a financial supporter of terrorists. I'd then occupy Iraq for two
reasons: 1) to ensure a safe flow of oil should the House of Saud be

by extremists, and 2) as a launching point into Syria and Iran.
I'd also occupy Afghanistan as a launching point into Iran and Pakistan.
I'd then march right into the hills in Northwestern Pakistan and grab OBL.

Oh boy. You are truly delusional.