Which candidate....
"Doug Kanter" wrote in message
"NOYB" wrote in message
I'm going to use lots of white space here to make it simpler for you to
follow along. If it seems the message has ended, be sure to page down and
check first.
These are all positive goals. Why do you have a problem with them?
Because I feel as though our "damaged" credibility, damaged alliances,
heightened tension is with countries that we shouldn't be reaching out
the first place. For instance, our supposed allies...France, Russia and
China...were secretly skirting the Iraqi arms embargo, and were making
under-the-table oil deals with Saddam should sanctions be removed. We
owe them an apology.
Translation: Profit-making entities were making oil deals which depended
certain political outcomes. Are you stupid enough to think American
companies don't do that every single day, with every natural resource you
can name? Answer the question. Are you that stupid? It's yes or no.
White space. Room for you to think.
Meanwhile, Syria was sponsoring terrorist acts against Israel,
money for Saddam, sending weapons to Iraq, and likely concealing
WMD program. They are very likely next on our list after Iraq.
Are you stupid enough to lump Syria into the same category as France,
and China? Yes or no?
White space. Room for you to think.
Iran also sponsors terrorist acts against our ally, Israel. They have
been pursuing nuclear weapons, and have been inciting unrest in Iraq to
damage US resolve. They should and will be dealt with once Bush is
Pursuing nuclear weapons? Shut your cake hole. They're doing exactly what
are - trying to expand their arsenal. On the spectrum of angels, we're the
closest thing to the devil.
This is the morally bankrupt liberals battle cry.