Diesel Fuel Decontamination Units Give Stored Fuel Longer Life.
Filters & water traps are the fix
On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 02:40:39 +0000, Calif Bill wrote:
And if you have lots of crap in the tank, do as the Alaska boats do. Use a
day tank (at least that is what I think they call it). A separate small
tank the big tank pumps into. Then the engine gets it's fuel from the small
tank. The small tank will let the crud settle out and can be removed from
the small tank. And the fuel filter gets the smaller stuff that did not
settle out.
"DSK" wrote in message
John T. Nightingale wrote:
Diesel powered equipment, plagued with breakdowns caused by contaminated
aged fuel, now have an option other than continually changing filters
the problem arrives.
Umm... use a polishing system?
I just don't understand why so many people think that changing filters
is a problem. That's what the filter IS THERE FOR... to keep crap from
getting into the injection pump, injectors, and the whole rest of the
engine. When the filter needs to be changed, that means IT IS WORKING!
A $3 filter element that saves a $7K engine sounds like very effective &
sensible engineering to me.
Doug King