One thing is indisputable: The U-boats did track, and sink, merchant
convoys leaving NY harbor for Europe. The press accounts are well
documented and I have met people who grew up on the New Jersey shore
in that era. Finding bodys on the beach was a regular event.
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 19:14:48 -0500, DSK wrote:
On 24 Feb 2004 23:43:12 GMT, (JAXAshby) wrote:
"On 8 October 1916 Fanning put out of Newport, R.I., to search for the crews of
ships sunk not far from Nantucket Light
Ship by the German submarine U-58. The destroyer recovered six survivors and
landed them at Newport the next day. The presence of U-58 led to the
speculation that a secret German submarine base might exist in the Long Island
Sound-Block Island Sound area;"
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
U-853 - 41º 13.606' / 71º 25.119'
Here are some more details
Perhaps a bit of further explanation, to those who have followed some of
JAXAshby's posts in the past... recently in another discussion he
claimed that a U-boat had been sunk by the USCG in Long Island Sound and
was the cause of much unjustified bragging by the USCG, that a U-boat
had patrolled the Potomac River and was a charted obstruction there, and
that a Japanese submarine had shelled Seattle and that this last
incident was 'well known.' It turns out that there may be a smattering
of near-truth in some of this, but my reaction was that this was one of
Jax's funniest posts in a while.
Just thought I'd share.... and it is vaguely related to boats.
Fair Skies
Doug King