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On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 20:06:21 -0400, Sal's Dad
thought it necessary to say:

One would hope that if a wake was a significant factor, the operator
(company) would be held liable, in both criminal and civil actions. A
profile, multi-million dollar lawsuit, or jail time, would do wonderful
things for safe and courteous operation in the future.

Here's the latest report I heard:

From the website's description of the report:

All Things Considered, October 3, 2005 · Transportation safety officials
have begun searching for clues in the sinking of a tour boat in upstate
New York's Lake George. The Ethan Allen apparently listed suddenly --
possibly caused by the wake of a larger boat -- before it capsized Sunday,
killing 20. Brian Mann from North Country Public Radio reports.

There is a link to the audio at this address:

From the New York State Boater's Guide:


When no speed limit is posted, vessels must always be
operated in such a fashion so as not to endanger others. A
vessel must be able to stop safely within the clear space
ahead. A vessel operator is always responsible for any damage
caused by the vessel’s wake.



The report I heard on All Things Considered indicates that no boat was
close to the Ethan Allen, but any of us who have been out there know that
wakes can travel a long way, a long time after the boat has passed.

In other news,

I haven't been posting here much, but I'm still around. My father passed
away in May and I haven't had the boat out all year.

And Opera Rocks:

I can created nested rules, such as

If newsgroup header contains
And body of message contains Harry Krause

kill file the sucker.

Just for an example.

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