Gene Kearns wrote:
I think this was probably a mistake, but the captain can (likely)
prove that he had never tested positive, He must, by law, be in a drug
testing program.
Wild conjecture, on my part, but I think when all the truth is told,
this is going to be an open and shut case of a larger vessel swamping
a smaller vessel with a "perfect storm" sized wake.
Some witnesses are being quoted as saying the boat was riding bow low /
stern high just before the wave & roll...
I suspect that there will be a minimum of an eight figure settlement
reinforcing the old mantra that, "you are responsible for your own
The press/media is all over this. Covered by CBS/NBC/ABC evening news,
all with some depth... but they can't get the story right at all.
Everyone is saying there were no other steamships in the area - I could
have told you that from LA even though I'm only 1 1/2 hrs away...
I also predict that the swamped vessel will be found guilty of
contributory negligence in not requiring all of those aboard to
*already* be wearing their life jackets.
No, they won't. It wasn't required locally or federally. The $$
involved will be of such an amount anyway that PFD use / non-use
probably will not come into the forefront.