I agree. Why haven't they fixed it? The dealer even wanted me to take it home
and use it for the holiday weekend even though the water comes in at a faster
rate than the bilge pump can handle!!! Incompetence? 100%
Another question? Why would it be a loss for them if I agreed to "trade it in"
and take the loss myself? I thought that was more than nice of me but they
don't even want the damn thing back! Why? Probably still couldn't sell it. Do
they know something I don't? Was this a bigger problem than I thought? Anyone
else with similar problems?
Tony Thomas wrote:
The real question is why have they not fixed it. Should be a simple fix for
a local fiberglass shop that the factory will pay thru the dealer. What is
the factory saying about the repair and when.
It is true that most manufacturers will not replace the boat. The warrenty
is for repair or replace at their descretion. Too much of a loss to replace
since they would then have to sell this boat as a used one.
"J.W. Frank" wrote in message
Just a quick question: if you recently handed over close to 30k for a
new Malibu Response LX and it keeps taking on excessive water, what
would you do?
I returned it to the dealer. Multiple times.
I spoke with the factory... twice.
They seem to think it is a minor problem (the hydrobox is leaking and
needs fiberglass repair). I think it is a major problem... a
"manufacturing defect", if you will.
I asked for another "new boat" that didn't leak. They said no way. I
offered to trade it in and pay the difference if they would help me work
through the dealer. They again said no, "it's a little problem".
Mastercraft and Correct Craft never treated me this way. "Guy" (the
customer service manager) at Malibu told me to go ahead and write
this... that people would understand Malibu's position. I hope he is
For Sale, one Malibu Response LX with 10 hrs. Leaks like a sieve but
Malibu says don't worry! I'll even take a loss on this one (hell, I've
owned it since last August and haven't been able to ski behind it since
then! That alone is a loss.) Make me an offer, I'm not kidding. I
want a quality boat again.
Comments welcome.
Joe --
(pictures available upon request, it sure looks pretty)