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Default It could happen to you.

I think the woman should have been stopped at security before she boarded
the plane. Maybe the employees that she slipped by were as morally
challenged as you and didn't think anything of it. I feel badly for the poor
airline personnel that had to deal with this problem.
The lady got what she deserved.

wrote in message

JIMinFL wrote:
"PocoLoco" wrote in message
On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 13:18:54 GMT, "JIMinFL"

Bush basher kicked off plane.

Maybe she'd have been kicked off if she were wearing the same shirt
Kerry/Edwards on it? Ever think of that?

I'll bet she would have, but it wouldn't happen. Trash talk is a liberal
Democrat thing.

It's easy enough to see evidence of that in this NG. All the right
wingers are so polite, well mannered, unconfrontational. None of them
would ever troll a thread like this through a boating NG, just to get
his/her rocks off on dissing
a "Bush Basher"......

This woman was interviewed by a local radio station. As always, there
are two sides to the question.

Yes, she was wearing a shirt that said "Meet the F*ckers". She was
wearing that shirt when she bought her ticket, checked in at the gate,
sat for an hour or two waiting to board the plane and nobody said a
word to her about "airline standards" or whether the shirt was
appropriate attire for flying. She claims that she engaged in a
personal conversation with one of the stewardesses at the gate, and
that nothing was said about her shirt.

Apparently after she boarded the plane a couple of women passengers
happened to notice the T shirt and complained to the stewardess that
they found the slogan offensive. The stewardess approached the
passenger, and asked her if she had a jacket she could put on, or some
other means of covering the shirt. The passenger agreed to cover the
shirt with one of the airline blankets, as she was planning to take a
nap anyway. According to the passenger's story on the radio, she
covered the shirt with a blanket and went to sleep. While she was
sleeping, the blanket "slipped" enough to expose at least part of the

She was kicked off the plane when it landed at in intermediate stop.
According to the passenger, the stewardess who told her she would have
to get off the plane also assured her she would get a refund for her
ticket. (Her fare has never been refunded).

As a private business, the airline has the right to set standards for
its passengers. The woman was wrong, but the airline brewed a tempest
in a tea pot.
Had she been given the oppportunity to "adjust" the blanket to restore
coverage of the offensive shirt, I think she porbably would have done
so. If the airline want to say, "We won't sell you a ticket unless you
swear you'll vote a straight
Republican ballot in the next election", that would be its right and
privilege to do so.