On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 17:47:53 +0000, NOYB wrote:
The lowest Bush approval rating in *any* of the polls is 37%...and it
came in a CBS News poll.
The lowest Clinton approval rating according to *Gallup* was 37%. If
you want a true apples to apples comparison, then let's look at Gallup's
lowest-ever number for Bush: 40%...which is three points higher than
Clinton's lowest approval rating.
Spin it any way you want, but let's look at Bush's data historically. Any
President has normal gains and ebbs in their approval. A gradual rise,
means that people who at one time disapproved, are now approving. The
rises are gradual, as we each make our mind of at different rates. The
opposite is also true, approval turning to disapproval. Spikes, on the
other hand, are generally major events, that change peoples mind rapidly.
Here's Bush's historical data graphed:
You'll notice, there aren't *any* gradual upturns, only spikes. The
gradual trend is down, down, down. People who once approved of Bush are
turning away. The only question is, when his base finally kicks in. You
know the base, people like you, NOYB, those with unfaltering loyalty to
this President. The curtain is open, the honeymoon is over, where is
Bush's base. I'm guessing, somewhere between Carter and Nixon.