Where to get cheap props?
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Where to get cheap props?
(I knew this would get started)
In the comparison tests I've read (Trailerboats magazine) the speed
advantage of Stainless was about 2 MPH. The cost premium was over 3X
the cost of aluminum. So... the choice is yours but from my
perspective (and I've had a boat for geez... over 40 years) I wasn't
willing to pay the price premium for Stanless given the minute
performance advantage.
(I'll bow out of the now)
No need to bow out. I'll not be arguing with the grizzled putz. Most
know he issues his childish gibberish counterpose just to troll. He does
not respect truth or the original requesters question.
BTW, when I was racing C stock hydros back 50 years ago you didn't see
many aluminum props on racing boats of ANY class. The physics of the
damn twirly things haven't changed all that much since. You go with
stainless for PERFORMANCE advantages.
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