Chinese Junk Sails and can you identify this boat?
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:39:50 GMT, (Gil G.)
Why don't we see them more in the US if they are as great as I have
Marketing. Boat salesmen like to cite the racing fleets and most races
emphasize the beat to windward since it offers the highest differentiation
of skill/strategy/tactics. When reaching or running, you either have it or
you don't, and it's sort of like watching grass grow. The "cruisers" want
to look like the racers.
Also, the junk rig offers the least opportunity for selling people the
wonderful, expensive, high tech "go-fast" gimmicks -- hydraulic boom vangs
and back stay tensioners, fancy winches, laminated sails, etc.
Add in the fact that most designers and sailmakers have zero experience with
the rig ...
Just my opinion.