Newbie Question: 40' Performance Cruiser question (including powerplant)
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Newbie Question: 40' Performance Cruiser question (including powerplant)
wrote in
twin 350 hp gas engines
Can someone explain to me why many people who buy a boat are always in such
a damned hurry to "get there"? I'm always frustrated by people we sail
with, mostly guests, that just go schitzo when the wind dies, the sails go
limp and we just SIT THERE, 90 miles offshore of anything.
Wasn't that why we got on the boat in the first place? get away???
Being becalmed is so peaceful! Gives you an opportunity to eat a decent
meal, take a shower without being beaten around and just SLEEP IT OFF.
I hate it when they start deciding to crank the diesel and head
"there" awful. In a hurry? Take a JET!
I think how awful it is every time I see some nice trawler in the ICW
plowing up a big bow wave it shouldn't have as its owner has his twin 300hp
diesels just cranked up hard. Fast Trawler? Isn't that an oxymoron??
Oh, oh, the wind died! Quick, someone open that hatch and get out the
barbie before it freshens back up! THAT'S LIVIN'!
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