Who Am I
"Don White" wrote in message
*JimH* wrote:
"Don White" wrote in message
Skipper wrote:
In my cyber life I own a fleet of boats; a fabulous 36' Zimmermanlike
lobster boat, a Parker cuddy, and an Old Town canoe. I've owned 36 other
boats including a new custom Hatteras with Corinthian leather upholstery
and a few Swans. I've sailed around the Horn several times and have salt
water flowing though my veins.
In real life I live in a trailer park and have pretty low self esteem.
The overall quality of my life is not very good as I spend most of my
time trolling cyber newsgroups. I do have an old Parker but use it
infrequently. My favorite boat is the 3.6" plastic lobster boat I play
with in the tub (at least I call it my lobster boat).
Who am I?
Can't be the imitation Skipper..from Derby or whatever. I heard he was
evicted from his trailer park for causing property values to plumit.
So explain to me how someone can post as Skipper with their ISP showing
the same as the original Skipper had and the IP address also being the
Also explain how the Skipper knows the particulars about certain NG
members here, some of which appear never to have been posted in this NG
as they were private exchanges.
Chuck Gould has Skippers phone number. Perhaps he can email it to you so
you can put this Imitation Skipper crap to bed once and for all.
I'll bet 'Krazy Karen' from Oz and others could list every slight Harry
has, or has been accused of, committing against the 'original Skipper'.
Posters in here have stated it can be done technically......
After all the foolishness in this newsgroup over the years, I assume
someone out there is capable of doing it.
Yet no one has explained how it can be done.
All it takes it a phone call to the real Skipper. Why are all you 'fake
skipper' accusers so unwilling to prove it with a simple phone call to him?