Has anyone read this before and confirmed whether or not it is true?
the following was posted on the Trawler list by one of the members (keith)
I know it's not a trawler, but I have a bunch of pix of what happens when a
brand new Sea Ray 44' hits the bank of the ICW at about 15 knots. They were
on autopilot and it went out, turning 90 degrees and hitting the bank before
they could react. Total loss. If anyone wants to see the pix, or has a web
site to post them at, e-mail me off list. It basically ripped out the hull
under the foredeck, totally demolishing the forward cabin. Here's the
original note with the pix:
"I was awake for ~30 hours the last two days - our friends were traveling
home from Louisiana in a 44' Sea Ray (~$750K new) when their auto pilot went
south. The boat turned and struck the bank at ~15kts (~18mph). Two of us
went to take the two women on board to the hospital with minor injuries.
The two men stayed on board to protect against looting. The owner of the
boat was thrown over the helm and knocked unconscious, has a minor
concussion. The other guy was knocked about and also beat up but nothing
serious. The queen bed in the forward stateroom was vertical - if someone
had been sleeping there they would have been killed. I arranged salvage and
just now relinquished Coast Guard contacts. We went as soon as possible
back to the wreck and stripped personal stuff and electronics. The boat is
a total loss, the diesels and generator are submerged. I came home and
slept for 12 hours - never a dull moment here.."