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Peter Wiley
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Default America is at war

In article ,
Dave wrote:

On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:10:58 -0400, DSK said:

There is no category of person who can be "held incommunicado

Straw man, Doug.

OK, how long, then?

A day?

A week?

A month?

A year?

2 years?

3 years?

5 years?

10 years?

At the Govt's pleasure?

You guys have brought back the old pre-Revolutionary French system of
lettres de cachet. Face it, your principles have been tested and found

Hicks et al have been locked up, without contact with family, friends,
legal aid of their free choice etc etc for 3 years now. No oversight by
anyone of any independent nature. Even during WW2, the Red Cross got
into the German POW camps. You guys are acting along with the Japanese

Anyone can stick to their principles when the going is easy, and it
doesn't hurt. The acid test comes when things aren't going well. You
guys have failed.

I wouldn't have had the slightest problem if these people had been shot
if/when caught on a battlefield, in possession of arms, any more than I
do about killing the insurgents with arms in Iraq. However, once
captured, you need to deal with them in a civilised manner, not because
*they* are civilised, but because *you* purport to be.