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Default America is at war

Vito wrote:
Ahhh, now I see what you missed. These people did get "due process" in the
form of a militry tribunal back in Afghanistan or Iraq. Thats how they ended
up at Gitmo instead of a local prison, being shot, or being set free.


Do you have a reference for this?

Even the military supervisors of the Gitmo prison don't know where some
of the captives came from, nor who captured them. Many were handed over
to military custody by clandestine agencies.

I we houldn't hold them indefinately. We should have been hanging them from
day one.

The ones who are given due process, sure. Or stoned, if that's more in
accordance with their own laws.

My problem is that the U.S. gov't is engaging in the practice of simply
imprisoning lots of people without showing any reason why, nor giving
any reasonable proof of guilt, in fact, denying the whole concept of any
accountability in the matter.

A strange thing for a proponent of 'freedom' to do.