America is at war
Joe wrote:
Fighting out of uniform for an army makes you a spy. The Geneva
convention is very clear on the matter.
Indeed it is, from your own post "3. A member of the armed forces of a
Party to the conflict who is a
resident of territory occupied by an adverse Party and who, on behalf
of the Party on which he depends, gathers or attempts to gather
information of military value within that territory shall not be
considered as engaging in espionage..".
Even if the above were not true, nowhere in the Geneva Convention is an
act of combat defined as spying.
Now before you fly of the handle, I don't like what these miscreants
did, or stand for anymore than you, but if you arbitrarely imprison, or
excecute them without due process you become no better than they are.
Even Hitlers henchmen got trials.