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Default Today's Laugh

P Fritz wrote:
You ever notice it is always the liebrals bashing the military out of

side of their mouth, and calling for a draft out of the other?

OK now quote any part of any of my posts that have "bashed the military"
and when you finish with that, quote any part where I "called for a draft."

And when you are finished with that, tell us about *YOUR* service in the
U.S. military.

Fritz, apparently, is too stupid to understand *why* thinking Americans
are calling for a draft

Malarkey, "thinking Americans" are not at all calling for a draft.
A draftee military cannot perform the jobs that our current policy calls
for them to do.

When I was facing the draft for the VN war, one of the slogans of the day
"The way to end this war is to draft the rich kids right along with everyone
else, instead letting them get off with cushy Reserve duty"
Yup GWB was one of those rich kids.....

PocoLoco wrote:
I thought your slogan was, "We won't go, and you can't make us!"

Most of us went.

Because you thought Nixon was a great leader and an honest man?

I volunteered for the U.S. Navy not long after the Iranians took our
embassy hostage, and served for eight years.

Douglas King, ex BT1(SW) U.S.N.