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Default OT A Tax Raise from BushCo

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Gorf wrote:
" *JimH*" wrote in message
. ..
"Gorf" wrote in message
. com...
" *JimH*" wrote in message

What I read was a lot of accusation with absolutely no link or

supporting the claims.

So to me it is nothing more than..............political crap.

Here's another beleive what you want....
Here's McKinney grilling Rumsfeld over the lost $$$


Wake me up when you find a credible source for your information.

so c-span is not credible? even when it is a video of House Hearing on

Dept. of Defense Budget, March 11th, 2005.

I guess you only believe Karl Rove and faux news eh?

There isn't an instance in usenet history in which Jim Hertvik has
demonstrated possession of more than below-average intellect.

An amazing thing about some of these low-brain-output righties is their
absolute refusal to take reality into account in their support for
George W. Bush. No matter how Bush screws up, they're ready with the
excuses and rationalizations.

As much as I like Bill Clinton, I never held him up to be a paragon. He
was and is a bright, articulate, capable fellow with unlimited ability
to reveal his feelings for humanity, but, like most of us, he is a
flawed individual.

Bush, on the other hand, seems, as president, to be a model for

I hated Clinton and voted for Bush in 2000. I cheered when the SC declared
Gore a cry baby, I thanked the good lord Bush was in office on 9/11, and I
supported his invasion of Afghanistan 100%. But as soon as Bush started
trying to sell the idea that Osama was not the real terrorist - Saddam was
and started telling obvious lies about WMD's, that's when my opinion of Bush
change 180 degrees.
In 2000 I screamed that Clinton was the worst president that we ever had,
But Bush has him beat hands down - now Clinton looks like the good ole

Another good video: