Electrical question
Doug Dotson wrote:
"Tamaroak" wrote in message
I have two new VHF radios, both of which have a PA and foghorn output and
will send a 20 watt signal into a horn mounted on my flybridge. Standard
Horizon says I can't just hook the two outputs together to the horn because
the one radio will backfeed into the other.
True. A better choice might have been a radio with a remote mic capability
like a Standard Horizon or ICOM.
Their solution is to get two diodes and wire them on the + wire before it
gets to the horn. The other option would be to have two horns which would
be ugly.
If it's their solution and they can;t tell what diodes to use I would be
of the solution. Not sure how 2 diodes solves the problem for an audio
Question: What kind, size, specifications do I use for said diode? The guy
at Radio Shack looked at me like I was from Mars when I asked him about
Radio Shack lost their interest in anything technical years ago. I went in
the other
day looking for a power resistor and he hadn;t a clue. I found exactly what
needed but no thanks to him. I suspect they will be eliminating their parts
department soon anyway.
Is there some other way to do this?
Capt. Jeff
Isn't Radio Shacks slogan "you have questions? we have answers."